On Friday, August 13, Harout Nercessian, AMAC Board member, and Viktor Karapetyan, AMAA Artsakh Representative, visited the AMAA/AMAC Yeprem and Zabel Basmajian Kindergarten in Askeran. They met with Principal Anahit Danielyan to discuss the objectives of the Kindergarten for the upcoming academic year and the challenges it is facing. Mr. Nercessian gave certain instructions and pledged AMAA’s and AMAC’s support for the institution.
Mr. Nercessian later met with the staff of the Kindergarten, conveying to them Mr. Hagop Basmajian’s greetings and encouragement, along with AMAC’s pledge for continued support. Mr. Nercessian inspired the staff, charging them to remain strong amidst multiple challenges. “We have no right to despair or lose hope. We have the God-given mission of instilling in the children the Christian and national values passed down to us. Our trust is in God and His protection,” he told them.
Following a brief summer vacation, the Basmajian Kindergarten opens its doors to the children on Monday, October 16.