“For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat…” 
Matt 25:35

The Armenian Missionary Association of Canada salutes the First Armenian Evangelical Church of Montreal (FAECM) on its missionary spirit. The church is actively engaged in several mission projects.

In 2015, waves of families, fleeing the devastating Syrian war were finding refuge in Montreal. The church, under the leadership of Senior Pastor, Rev. George Dabbo, spared no effort to help the new arrivals to settle in their new home country. The church staff and volunteers helped them to find housing and furniture, move to their new homes and learn their way around the city and government services.

Once settled in their new lives, the families needed ongoing support until they were financially independent. The church did not remain indifferent to this need either. In November 2015, the FAECM started a bi-weekly food bank program that distributed groceries to 350 needy families.

The Syrian refugees are now self-sufficient. Yet, the city is home to many needy individuals and families who live well below the poverty line. The church decided to continue to provide this much needed and God-pleasing service.

To date, the 40 volunteers of the First Armenian Evangelical Church of Montreal have packaged and distributed 550 tonnes of groceries worth $2,500,000.

We thank God for the ministry that reaches out to the needy in the name of Christ.