Around the World in Five Days

The AMAC “Around the World in Five Days” Spring Break Day Camp 2023 is now history.

For five days, twenty-one children learned, played, competed, painted and forged friendships. They won and lost, were thrilled and disappointed. Through all, they had the fun of their lives.

They virtually toured the world on a plane. Every day, they visited one of the five continents and zoomed in one unique country – Cook Islands, Tanzania, Japan, Argentina, Netherlands. They learned about the countries and their cultures and played games symbolizing the nations. They discovered life lessons applicable for their daily lives. Based on what they learned, they engaged in group projects to “Redesign and Rebuild Canada.”

Each day started with the Lord’s Prayer and the Armenian national anthem. Bible stories were taught and unwrapped for daily wisdom.

The closing session was a sad one for the children. The parting question of the children was “when is the next one?” One child exclaimed “why can’t school learning be so much fun?”

The Armenian Missionary Association of Canada thanks Salpi Nercessian for planning, organizing and leading the program. We are grateful to the volunteers without whose sacrificial efforts the event would not be possible.

To lift your spirits and print a smile on your face, watch the pictures below.

All proceeds from this program will help support the Armenian Evangelical Secondary School of Anjar (AESSA) in Lebanon. To donate to the AESSA, click here.