Following the short summer vacation, on August 15, the AMAA and AMAC Yeprem and Zabel Basmajian Kindergarten in Askeran has opened its doors as of August 15th to the families of our countrymen, in the community of Askeran.

At this difficult and ominous moment in history, the people of Askeran are living by hope and faith, awaiting just some peace from God.

Despite our serious challenges, we have held onto our will for overcoming through God all those difficulties, which are able to impede ordinary life.  Today, more than ever, we need a sense of responsibility, filled with love for each other. We need to fulfill our mission, face and overcome the challenges facing us in unity before God. We must not succumb to depression. Rather, we must give our children and colleagues a feeling of being respected and completing meaningful work.  While working with children, for just a second, you get cut off from the disasters of the world.  Everything seems okay…

Children live in a different world, one that is honest, pure, simple, and serene: while with them, just an accidental glance into their eyes will make you see and feel a longing to create and live in your own world.

It is already the twentieth school year that the kindergarten, thanks to generous efforts of the benefactors, is accepting into its embrace ten new children.  Parents and children, with lots of love, joy, and trust attend the kindergarten where, like a cradle, their honest love and elegant smiles reign.

We are thankful to all, especially those truly devoted, who by their work live for their people, and keep their people alive.

Honor and respect to our Armenian soldiers, and to their inseverable will.  Right here in kindergarten, our children first see and live patriotism.  May God abundantly bless all of them.